Manual request

If you have orders made outside of your e-commerce platform, you can create manual review requests for these orders via CSV upload.

Step 1: Download manual request template

You can download our CSV file below to schedule manual requests. Download CSV file here

Step 2: Fill in the information for the requests

Here's what each column in the CSV file means:
reviewer_name required Name of the customer
reviewer_email required Email of the customer
product_handle required

Go to a live product page on your store Product handle is the last part of product URL Example:

The handle of this product is "t-shirt"

scheduled_at required
  • The date to send the review request ( mm/dd/yyyy)
  • If scheduled_at is a date in the past or blank, we will schedule the request after you upload the file.

Step 3: Upload the file to Appio app

  • When you've added the information, save the file as CSV (Comma delimited)

  • In Appio admin, choose Settings > Review request -> Manual Request > Add file and click upload.

Step 4: Review the results

After you upload the CSV file, we will process the requests and send you a notification email with the details.
You can also download the report by going to Settings - Review request - Manual Request - View history.

Step 5: Batch

Each CSV file import in Manual request will be treated as a batch or in marketing concept it is considered as a "marketing campaign".
Batch history

Once the batch is uploaded successfully, you can click to its name to view Summary report with many useful information including: batch name, date, performance score, detailed request status...

Summary report
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