Features Reviews Widget

In some circumstances, you might prefer to showcase your handpicked product reviews on the Homepage rather than the product page. This widget facilitates the presentation of reviews that have been tagged as featured in the Reviews section. These selected reviews are displayed in a variety of layouts directly on the Homepage.

There are 3 ways to put Featured Widget on the Homepage.

Go to Theme Customizer > add Block (applies to standard themes).

Manual edit theme code > Copy snippet code below and add to index page's liquid code.
{% if shop.metafields.appio_reviews.featured_reviews %}
  _appioFeaturedReviews = {{ shop.metafields.appio_reviews.featured_reviews | json }};
<div class="appio-reviews-widget appio-featured-reviews"></div>
{% endif %}
Contact support team (The developer will configure custom xpath so the app can determine the insert widget).

How do I set which reviews to display?

  • Please go to Reviews, select the review you want to feature, and choose "Tag as featured"

Go to Widgets -> Featured Reviews Widget and you have options to customize the followings:

  • Title
  • Layout: List, Grid, Line, Roll and Slide
  • Reviews per page
  • Content max lines
  • Pagination
  • Toggle product name
  • Show/hide total number of reviews
Featured Reviews Settings


The number of featured reviews showing in Homepage is limited according to the specific plan:

  • Free: 2 reviews
  • Essential: 2 reviews
  • Premium: 5 reviews
  • VIP: 100 reviews
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