Getting started

Welcome to Amazon Reviews by Appio!

To enable the review widget on your theme, you can follow the steps outlined in the video below:

You can also customize the widgets to match your style and preferences. You can change their colors, fonts, sizes, and more.

If you’re using any website builders, such as Shogun, Ecomposer, Gempages, or others, please be assured that our widget can be manually integrated into your theme from our side. Please reach out to our support team at your earliest convenience for assistance.

On the other hand, even if you have an old or unsupported theme, such as a vintage theme or a non-Shopify theme, please contact us and we will help you install our widgets manually. We want to make sure our app works well with any theme you use.


You'll love using our widgets! They're super fun and user-friendly. Take a look at the article below for more information.

You can also customize the widgets according to your preference. You can change their position or add more of them to your website. The steps may vary slightly depending on the theme you have installed.

To add Rating Widget, please follow below steps:

  • From your Shopify admin screen, go to Sales channels - Online Store
  • From your current Theme, click Customize
  • In the top middle Menu, choose Product from dropdown list, then choose default product

  • You will see our Rating Widget and Reviews Widget in the left panel under Product information section
  • To move around these widgets, just drag & drop the icon into desired position

Drag and drop widget

to add Reviews Widget:

    • On the left panel under Apps section, click "add block" and scroll down to the bottom you will see our two widgets (Reviews Widget and Rating Widget).
    • Select Reviews Widget and drop-and-drag to the desired position
    • Click Save

Drag and drop widget
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