All reviews page

The All Reviews Page helps you build a dedicated page to collect and display all reviews. This widget is a good place to redirect your visitors browsing through your store to the specific product pages and convert them into customers. It also helps you collect more store reviews and improve your search ranking.

Create a reviews template
  • Go to Online Store > Themes > Customize.
  • In Sections, open the drop-down menu at the top and select Pages.
  • Click Create template and name it "reviews".
  • Click Create template.
  • Select the page you've created as the preview.
  • Click Hide Page.
  • Click Add section and select Apps > Reviews Widget.
  • Click Save.

Add a new page and assign the template to your page
  • From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Pages.
  • Click Add page.
  • Give the page a title (e.g. "All reviews").
  • In the Theme template section on the right, select reviews.
  • In the Edit website SEO section on the center, customize URL and handle (e.g. ".../appio-reviews)
  • Click Save.

Now you have your own page for display all reviews. You can add this page to your store's navigation bar using the Shopify Navigation menu.

  • Go to Online Store > Navigation
  • In the Menus section, select Main menu
  • Click Add menu item
  • Give the menu item a name (e.g. "All reviews page").
  • In Sections, open the drop-down menu at the top and select Pages > All reviews
  • Click Add
  • Drop-and-drag to the desired position
  • Click Save

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