
$0/month $4.95/month or $49.50/year and save 17% $9.95/month or $99.50/year and save 17% $19.95/month or $199.50/year and save 17%
Everything in FREE plan + Everything in ESSENTIAL plan + Everything in PREMIUM plan +
No branding No branding No branding
10 reviews display per product 20 reviews display per product 500 reviews display per product Unlimited reviews display
50 review request emails/mo 1000 review request emails/mo 10K review request emails/mo Unlimited review request emails
1 photo display per review 3 photos display per review 10 photos and video display per review Full photo and video in reviews
Amazon & CSV reviews import Amazon, AliExpress, eBay & CSV reviews import Walmart & Goodreads reviews import Homepage featured reviews
Customize widget texts Customize widget texts Custom email sender and logo Automatic import reviews
Basic widgets customization Change widget language Advanced widgets customization Optimized images from source(*)
Reviews translation Product Group
Google Reviews Snippet All Reviews page
Google Shopping Feed Highest priority support
Auto-sync collected reviews between stores

(*) Images will be transferred to the Appio server for optimization. This procedure will significantly boost the loading speed of the storefront’s landing page, thereby enhancing the overall performance of the website.

Plan Comparison

Credit 200 1000 2000 10.000
Collect Reviews

Automatic review email requests 50 1000 10k Unlimited
Customize email template
Customize email sender and logo

Customize email banner
Manual review email requests via CSV
Discount for reviews
Import Reviews

Import from other apps
Import from spreadsheet
Amazon reviews per import 40 40 100 100
AliExpress reviews per import
40 500 500
AliExpress reviews language
Walmart reviews per import

500 500
eBay reviews per import
40 500 500
Goodreads reviews per import

500 500
Optimized images from source

Auto-import reviews from marketplace

Display Reviews

No Branding
Reviews layout (List, Grid, Line)
Reviews layout (Roll, Slide)

Rating widget
Reviews widget
Customize widget texts
Show media list

Show "Like review"

Featured widget (homepage) 2 reviews 2 reviews 5 reviews 100 reviews
Featured widget layout (List, Grid, Line)
Featured widget layout (Roll, Slide)

All reviews page

Advanced rating widget

Reviews summary from Amazon

Show reviews video on product page

Reviews grouping

Reviews Translation

CSS Customization


Google review snippet

Multifeeds for Google Shopping

Telegram reviews notification (*)


(*) These features are coming soon

Understanding about credit

Credit is used for manually importing or auto-syncing reviews (based on refresh frequency). Depending on the specific pricing plan, credits are reset on a monthly basis as outlined below:





Monthly credit





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