Remove code

If you uninstall Appio Reviews app by mistake without using the "Remove code" button, some code will still be in your store, but it will not affect your store's performance. You can follow these steps to get rid of it:

  • Go to Online Store and click Edit code

Theme editor

  • Under Layout folder on the left panel, locate Theme.liquid file
  • Search keyword "appio", go to corresponding line code then delete it.

{% include 'appio-reviews-theme-check' %}

  • Click "Save"
Remove line code
  • Search keyword "card-product" on the left search box, locate card-product.liquid file
  • Search keyword "appio" in the file content search box by using CTRL + F
  • Go to corresponding line code then delete it.

<div class="appio-rating-badge" data-id="{{ }}" data-rating="{{ card_product.metafields.appio_reviews.reviews_summary.average }}" data-raters="{{ }}"> </div>

  • Click "Save"
Remove line code
  • Under Snippets folder, locate appio-reviews-theme-check.liquid then delete it

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